Sunday, 10 January 2016

Inspired by Re-Founding The People On The Way.

The Vertical Relationship ~ CONSCIOUSNESS, INTELLIGENCE and SUBSTANCE manifest as "I".
The Horizontal Relationship ~ "I" manifest as Individuit "BE-ing" ~ "Am".
Therefore ~ "I Am" from the One Heart Within.

Beloved People

The People On The Way is indeed re-founded. In the time of Jesus we were known as The People Of The Way until the Roman ruler who burnt Rome, almost completely, down decreed for all The People Of The Way to be killed together with the false proclamation that we burnt Rome down.
Now we can be ourselves again, indeed ón The Way ~
The Way of Love
The Way back to Source
The Way of Perfection
The Way of BEing aligned with the Will of our Creator
The Way of having Love as the intent of every thought, word and deed
The Way of BEing Daughters and Sons of GOD
The Way Jesus taught us
The Way of BEing Christ Conscious.

○ Surrender to Love ○

Truth in a book
Becomes  thought
Becomes done
And dissolves into Divine Being.
Truth from Divine Being
Becomes thought
Becomes done
And dissolves into Truth in a book.
I choose to become what I was born to be.
I Am initiated to be in service of the Divine.
I choose to let Love be the spark of everything that I think, say or do.
I choose to live in the PRESENT moment where guidance is available through Spirit.
I open my Heart to hear GOD's Voice.
I Am freed Will.
I Am Abundant.
Love is the state in which I Am in contact with Being.
Be Bliss.
I Am Blissful.
The physical body is lent to us so that Spirit may come in contact with matter.
Be I Am ~ I Am BE
BE Love ~ Love BE
You were never born. You can never die. Know that you ARE.
LIFE is an endless chain of experiences as we grow spiritually back to our SOURCE.
Take charge of your Consciousness.
Sowing and reaping is all you need to practice.
Plant well your good seeds and pluck up the bad.
The PRESENCE within us is the true Creator of Humanity
And all that the CREATOR has is already ours
For we and the CREATOR are One.
Forgive in Aramic is 'shaw' ~ to untie ropes.
By not judging we untie the ropes to the past and the ropes of fear of the future.

~ Dehon 2004.


♢ Forgiveness - "Shaw" ♢

I envelop myself and you,
[Fill in name of person or situation which is being forgiven],
now in Love, Divine Love.
I ask GOD who is in us and us who are in GOD,
I ask LOVE in us and us in LOVE,
to transmute all pain and grief from all time into Truth-Light;
to remove all pain and grief, illusions and lies from our hypothalami, our Hearts which are One with Divine HEART, our spleens, our DNA, transform all that to LOVE
for LOVE is all that is and we embrace NOW - Wholeheartedly BE-ing Love.
Gods love for us is everpresent, Unconditional and everlasting.
We are within GOD and GOD is within us so why would GOD not love GOD.
There is nothing we could ever say, think, do or be that would ever separate us from GOD's Love or nót say, think, do or be that would ever separate us from GOD's Love.
We are Light.
We are Life.
We are Love.
I Am We Are.
And So It Is.

Love in All Ways
Dehon Táu ~ 2015


♢ How can I? ♢

How can I cry for Palestine
If I also cry for the Jews being controlled and lied to by the Zionists?
How can I cry for Syria
When I also cry for the Nato footsoldiers being brainwashed by puppetmasters?
How can I cry for my beloved Kashmir
When I also cry for the Hindus being diverted from the truth by their leaders and priests?
How can I cry for Tibet
When I also cry for a magnitude of people being taught lies by ones who want their feet kissed!
How can I cry for Muslims
When I also cry for Christians fed lies by those who want to take their power for their evil works?
So shall I just cry and cry?
and then I shall do my best to be
The best me I can be.

○ Dehon Táu 2016 ○


♢ Gratitude Prayer ♢

GOD, Today I Am Grateful as one of your sons that I Am still Love
And that YOU are still Love.
GOD, I do not know what I would have done without Love.
Fortunately "without Love" is in Reality an impossibility because you made us, and everything, in and with Love.
GOD help me and all of your Children, which is everybody, let the intent of every thought we think, every word we say and every deed we do be Love.
Thank you GOD that we can call on your CONSCIOUSNESS, INTELLIGENCE and SUBSTANCE to be as us, through us and into this world.
GOD we Know we are in the world and not from it.
Help us to be the Light of the world, the Truth, the Peace and the Life.
Help us make the Way straight towards YOU.
Thank you for sending us the Light to show us how to return to YOU in full Consciousness.
Guide us to stay on the Way of Righteousness, to develop our characters to be more and more like YOU every day and in every way.
Thank you GOD, that we can speak to you directly as your daughters and your sons.
And So It Is.

From the One True GOD we come
To the One True GOD we return.
The Life in me and all of you and in all Life
And the Love in me and all of you and in all living and apparently non-living
The Life and Love building blocks of éverything
Is the same Life and Love of GOD from GOD in GOD.
The drop and the ocean is the same stuff
The flame and the fire is the same stuff
The molecule and the universe is the same stuff
I Am you, you are me, I Am We Are.
And for this I Am truly Grateful
And So It Is

Dehon Táu ~ 2016



I Am Grateful to connect. Let's Love Life!
Here is where I spread Thát nowadays:

These Facebook expressions have different posts so like and join both.

Please read the explanation of who and what The People On The Way is. 



♢ Thát GOD ♢

When I say the word GOD, I know thát word is not GOD;
the GOD Í mean has no daddy, no mommy, no penis, no vagina;
no wrath;
no task, no temper, no hands, no feet;
no beginning, no end;
no agenda.
The GOD Í mean is the CREATOR of Áll
seen and unseen, known and unknown
The SOURCE of áll Life in áll Universes
seen and unseen, known and unknown
that makes up áll
and is
The GOD Í mean has no mouth
yet this GOD Calls.
The GOD Í mean has no tongue
yet this GOD states BÉ.
The GOD Í mean has no name
yet this GOD Hears.
So, check who duped you into thinking they are your gods
for I Am not duped anymore by gods with genitals and gender.
If YOU do not adhere to áll the criteria above,
and then some,
then you are not mý GOD.
The GOD, crudely explained in this verse has been my GOD
since the start of my Life,
before Abraham was I,
before Tiamat.
I was there when the foundations were laid for this Verse
and I serve Wholeheartedly still
for Love is áll
and I Am Thát.

Dehon Táu, DEC 2015, Earth.

This is a place for us, a place of interaction, so feel free to comment or email me at
Would you like a Messenger from The People On The Way to speak to your meditation group or a Friday, Saturday or Sunday religious gathering? Contact Dehon at any of the links in the Tau Creations tab in the right sidebar.
Love in All Ways
Dehon Táu

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