Beloved People
We are now almost a week into our 3 week Transformation, Tuesday 12 January. Continue for today the same way you did the previous two days.
The third energy centre is one where we are going to spend a little more time. Just for Day 7, tomorrow, Wednesday 13 January, we are going to break from our climb up the centres and develop the 3rd centre for a day. We are almost halfway at the 4th energy centre which is the Heart - the central point between Above and Below.
Energy Centre 1 = 1 Breath Developed;
Energy Centre 2 = 2 Breaths Developed;
Let us move up to develop Energy Centre 3 with the Inner Fire.
- Also see the FOLLOW BY EMAIL function at the top right of the blog - this way you shall receive each forthcoming lesson in your inbox.
- In case you are a late starter on the 21 Days Transformation then please note it is imperative that you start from Day 1. Also know that you are entering into a agreement with yourself that you shall apply your Power gained from this Transformation only for The Highest Good of All, in Unity and with Love as your guide in every thought, word and deed. This is crucial. I hereby renounce responsibility to anyone who misuses Divine Power for greed or malintent. Also note that this Transformation should be accompanied by your own silent meditation time. It is imperative that we keep our emotions neutral as far as possible and Be Peace, Be Joy, Be Light, Be the only emotion in Reality which is Love ~ for everything we are shall enlarge as our Power increases. The time for angry outbursts are over because a fully ignited and activated Power-BEing, we are transforming into now, may hurt oneself or another when using the Power uncontrolled and without Love and Peace intent.
I shall send you the lesson for the 3rd Breath tomorrow and then on day 8, Thursday the 14th of January, we shall resume climbing up the Ladder to the Gateway of Heaven for the 14th, the 15th and the 16th for the 3rd Breath Developing.
On the 16th we shall GOD-Willing connect again with the lesson for the next three days - 17, 18 and 19 January - the 4th Breath Developing.
On the 19th you shall receive the lesson for the 20th, 21st and 22nd - the 5th Breath Developing.
On the 22nd you shall receive the lesson for 23rd, 24th and 25th January - the 6th Breath Developing.
On the 25th you shall receive the lesson for the 26th and 27th - the 7th Breath Developing. Then our 21 Day Transformation is complete but I shall remain with you and we shall continue to do the 7th Breath Developing for the 28th, 29th and 30th of January. By then each shall know if the Developing Breath is now part of their daily routine and continue with the seven breaths daily after sunrise and after sunset. Note that you can also do the exercise after noon and after midnight - after noon and midnight one may start with left or right nostril.
I now hand you over to Chad to explain to you tomorrow's exercise. Do this at the same time you did the Developing Breath the previous week. Then tomorrow I shall send you the details of the third Breath.
Love in All Ways
Dehon Tau
Back to tomorrow: The Inner Fire Exercise.
NOTE: This is a practice using your own energy, your
own breath and your own mind, that can bring speedy and remarkable
results, in my opinion it should not be kept secret. Experiment to see
what works for you – Notice the inner calm and space you can create
whilst holding the breath. Notice the heat energy build up when you hold
your breath and lock in the energy. And notice the relaxation and
healing response when you let go of the breath. Even just taking long
slow breaths and holding and releasing activates a calming response in
the body and mind. I generally practice this meditation to clear my mind
and relax my body before I settle into simply sitting meditation
by Chad Foreman / Saturday, 05 September 2015 / Published in Enlightenment, Meditation, Meditation instructions, Mysticism, Relaxation
Revealing the Secrets of Tibetan Inner Fire Meditation.
(Originally posted HERE)
The title is not click bait, the instructions I am about to share with
you are actually considered secret in the Tibetan Buddhist Vajrayana
tradition. I studied the teachings of Inner Fire Meditation or Tummo in
depth during my five years living and studying at a Tibetan Buddhist
centre and got into a lot of trouble when it became known I was giving
these instructions to beginners in my guided meditation classes. But
this method is too good to keep secret and has enormous potential to
heal, clear the mind, calm the body and bring tremendous joy and
confidence into people’s life.
Benefits of Inner Fire Meditation
- Improved Clarity & Concentration. Inner Fire Meditation requires visualisation, incorporating focussed attention and breathing exercises. In Tibetan Buddhism this is known as a fast and secret way to develop concentration because you you utilise your breath, imagination and attention all in the one practise. It also develops a sharp and clear awareness through raising the vitality and energy levels to heightened states of awareness.
- Improved Health and More Vitality. Inner Fire Meditation uses what is commonly know in India as Prana, or in Japan it is known as Reiki or in China it is called Chi. These mysterious forces within us are associated with health, healing and a long life. Usually we waste our energy through stressing and dissipating this energy in the pursuit of external satisfaction but Inner Fire Meditation harnesses this energy, grows it and uses it for spiritual development with the side effect of improved health and vitality.
- Opening the Chakras. Many people ask me how do I open my chakras? well, Inner Fire Meditation is a brilliant way to do this and is one of the main reasons for this practise. The main goal for the practise is to achieve enlightenment through clearing the chakras, entering the central channel and giving rise to special bliss and clarity which very easily understands that enlightenment is already our true nature. But even beginners have remarkable results.
- More Confidence and Power. Practising inner Fire Meditation connects the practitioner with the power centre of the second chakra which in yoga is associated with physical power, sexuality and creativity. It helps to focus and use nervous energy in a positive way to help build confidence and dispel confusion. In martial arts this is the centre where martial artist’s draw their strength from to perform amazing feats of balance, strength and busting through cement blocks with their strikes. And in Tai Chi this is where all the focus is held to develop graceful and perfectly balanced movement. Harnessing this inner power is harnessing the power to achieve all your goals and dreams and to gain the energy to reach your full potential.
- Inner Bliss and Joy. The energy you are cultivating is very joyful and blissful. This brings an enthusiasm for the practise that is not found in your usual ‘just sitting meditations’ which can become very boring. This inner bliss can even help to overcome addiction. If addiction is chasing pleasure then as Lama Yeshe says the bliss of inner fire makes all other pleasures pale in comparison. This inner bliss is the cultivation of the famous Kundalini energy which is a mysterious inner joy unlike that of external pleasures such as sex or eating chocolate. Also you can cultivate this energy anywhere at any time; I like to practice while driving and it’s also useful for when you are feeling cold or nervous as the inner bliss really does bring a real and tangible heat and confidence with it.
- Enlightenment. The ultimate goal of this practise is enlightenment -that is the union or Oneness with a divine nature. In Tibetan Buddhism the time of death is a very important time to practise meditation to achieve enlightenment because the clear white light naturally appears for everyone at the time of death. If through practise you can recognise that light as your own essence; enlightenment is easy. Inner Fire Meditation is a method to generate this clear white light during your lifetime so you don’t have to wait till death and merge with it while you are an individual to bring enormous benefit to your yourself and for others.
The Beginners Practice of Inner Fire Meditation
- Firstly sit in an upright and comfortable meditation posture- click here for tips on a great meditation posture .
- Visualise yourself as hollow, like a balloon. Your skin is glowing and brilliant and on the inside there is only empty space. Take a few moment to strongly establish this visualisation.
- Visualise a ‘central channel’ about a 1cm thick from your perineum to the crown of your head and two ‘side channels’ going in through the nostrils up to the third eye or eyebrow level and then going down either side of the central channel merging at just below the navel. All the ‘channels’ are hollow like plumbing pipes. Take a moment to establish this visualisation, it does get easier and even instantaneous with practice. See image.
- Even if you cannot do the former visualisation this next step is the most important in generating the blissful energy: Imagine your breath energy going down the two side channels and merging into the central channel just below the navel (about a few cm in front of the spine). Imagine a very small and very hot ball of light in the central channel and your breath ignites this fiery ball and makes it extremely hot. Now hold the breath there in that ball of heat at the navel, for 5-15 seconds (experienced yogis can hold the breath here for several minutes) WARNING: stop immediately and breath normally if you get dizzy or lightheaded.
- This next step is optional but helps to generate even more heat and focussed attention: As you are holding the breath inside the central channel at the small ball of heat just below the navel, draw energy up from below and down from above and lock and trap it in the ball of heat. Draw it up by activating the perineum muscle (like you are holding back from urinated), hold this muscle and lock it in. Simultaneously swallow some saliva down to get the feeling of pushing down on the ball of heat at the navel and lock it in. Experiment with this. You may wish to lock it in by drawing up from below first and then push down from above, or vice verca. Do what feels best for you to get the sense you are locking in a tremendous amount of energy in a tiny space at the navel.
- Now release all the energy you have created – straight up through the central and bursting out the top of your head like a fountain. As the energy rushes up through the central channel it blows away any blockages in all the chakras from the solar plexus, the heart, the throat, the third eye and crown chakra. this energy cleanses and purifies your entire body mind system. You can also imagine releasing the energy into parts of your body you need to heal.
- Repeat steps 2-6 …try Inner Fire Meditation for 2-5 minutes to begin with. Do not practice for extended periods of time until you become familiar with the practise and feel confident and strong enough to do so.
This may have sounded complicated, but it is incredibly simple to
practice. For an easy and modified version simply take long slow breaths
right down into the navel area and hold it there for a short time and
release it, this can also be enough to generate heat and bliss.
This has been a brief and beginners overview of the Inner Fire
Meditation method, but it can still bring all the benefits listed above
if done regularly. For more detailed information and instructions
including how this practice can lead to subtle clear light and
enlightenment; I would highly recommend the book by Lama Yeshe “The Bliss of Inner Fire”
Written by Chad Foreman
To try a FREE Guided Relaxation Meditation CLICK HERE
for Dehon Tau and The People On The Way:
3. Email
Dehon TAU ~
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