Saturday, 15 August 2015

Unity and Diversity by Dehon

 Published: 29/30 Av 5775; 14/15 August 2015; 29/30 Shawwal 1436

I am writing this as two of the five huge nations on Earth celebrate their independence from a colonising nation 69 years ago. This while both are still occupying the land of the Kashmiris in the Himalayas. Pakistan celebrate their independence on the 14th of August and India on the 15th – on the night of the 14th and 15th Pakistani and Indian forces engaged again in cross-border fire in Kashmir. A few miles south the two nuclear powered neighbours are preparing for a huge border-gate ceremony lowering their flags before sunset amidst huge pomp and ceremony. The speech of the Indian president Modi alerted me to something interesting.
In South Africa, and the province where I reside, Gauteng, the two coat of arms state: Diverse people Unite/ Unity in Diversity. In Gauteng it is written in English and on the Republic’s coat of arms it is written in /Xam language. In the spirit of Unity during the ‘democratisation’ of South Africa in 1994 we embraced this ‘Unity in Diversity’.

When I heard president Modi using the same line in his independence speech today, my ears flickered and I realised that the same phrase brings separation and not Unity. In all the cases where ‘Unity in Diversity’ is stated – the meaning of the sentence will be even stronger for UNITY if only ‘Unity’ is mentioned. UNITY in itself encompasses all – all nations, all peoples, all races, all planets, all galaxies, all universes – so there is no need to add “in diversity”. Our diversity is a given, we can all see we are ‘same-same but different’, and emphasising diversity in the same context as UNITY has the effect of pinpointing to the diversity in Unity. The rebels here on Earth running the show currently have a motto: Divide and conquer. Now that I see the unnecessary mention of “in Diversity” if UNITY is truly your goal, now I see that ‘Unity in Diversity” and “Divide and conquer” is exactly the same sentence.
I am from those whose goal is UNITY in the consciousness of LOVE which means we are all part of a Universal Family operating to the Highest Good of ALL. Diversity is of no importance in UNITY.
I have eaten many books, digested them in my stomach and now I can regurgitate it into an edible little ball.
I am currently on a planet where duality is rife – understandable from a third dimensional planet on the way of rapidly manifesting 5th dimension and beyond. I became interested in studying Earth’s history to see where the root of “Unity in Diversity” is. This is what I found. I have looked intensively at all the religions, schools of thought and philosophies and superimposed the information on top of one another to see similarities first. This was astonishing and the following is what I saw.
You are programmed to reject this information.


Read with a clean Heart and decide afterwards.
The information which is being taught to us now after the flood of Noah or Nuh and the information we now know from before the flood shows me that a hidden agenda is at play here because there is a vast difference between the two versions of history.
I will only start the story from the beginning of the last continuous occupation of Earth. The histories before that are also important but for the sake of today’s blog we only have to concern ourselves with our immediate history.


Earth, known as Terra also, was frantic and empty, a dark place recovering from the catastrophic Eridean Solar System War when Prince EA and his team of fifty entered Terra’s atmosphere to scan the planet for gold. (It is a long story – I am just starting from where someone put foot on Earth which started the last cycle we are now in.)
Earth’s mother planet had a lot of gold and when she was obliterated, during a dogfight, parts of her remained in the same track around the sun - called the Hammered Bracelet - the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, and two big parts shot through the solar system and went into orbit around the Sun to become Earth and the Moon as we have it today. Prince EA knew about the gold on Earths mother planet so he was curious to see if Terra will also have gold. They needed gold for their essence and at a time also to fix a hole in their warship AR’s atmosphere.
Terra’s magnetic field was still extremely unstable after the war so Prince EA, with help from Master Mathematicians, manifested the Great Pyramid in 3D to assist Terra in recovering her magnetic field and to generate energy in abundance to run all their technology. After the completion of the Pyramid Generator their instruments worked in a stable fashion and re-Genesis started in earnest. The atmosphere had to be changed to have less Nitrogen, rivers had to be built, and it was a huge operation.
Prince EA is the first born of King Anu. According to their custom the throne inheritor is the first born from the King’s sister and the King’s intercourse, not simply the first born. Prince EA’s half-brother Prince Llu was thus first in line for the Nibirun throne and not Prince EA. Prince EA thought that if he could find an enormous supply of gold to aid his people then he will rise again in the eyes of their dad King Anu.
The Atlanteans, a highly conscious race, have already been here on Terra at that time but they were busy with their own timeline and Terra experiments and the area Prince EA was interested in did not concern them so they gave Prince EA permission to mine gold on Terra. And so the time of the ‘end’ of the Atlanteans and the beginning of the time of the children of King Anu on Terra begins. They put up camp, established a water source and build basic structures. This took the away-team six days and on the seventh day Prince EA said, “Let’s rest today and from today every seventh day we take rest.”
Prince EA sent word to Nibiru that he found gold in abundance and Prince Llu was deployed to this far side of the Galaxy to assist in the Nibirun venture of goldmining.
Prince EA was not happy. He found the gold and he felt that Prince Llu can rule the Kingdom of Anu back home and he, EA, can rule the Terran Mission and this part of the Galaxy, but alas that was not to be.  Their father, King Anu, came to Terra to resolve the issue of rule between his sons. By the cast of lots Prince EA became Lord of Creation and Genesis, Lord Enki, and Prince Llu became Lord Ruler of the Worlds, Lord Enlil. And so Terra had two Lords sharing rule but with different offices. Lord Enlil built his base in Southern Africa where he could oversee the mining operations and focus on his re-Genesis programs. Lord Enlil remained between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers from where he ruled world matters and this sector.
The Nibiruns who came with Prince Llu were later known as the Annunaki, those from Anu. The Annunaki gathered a lot of gold, sent it to Mars and then from there the lesser gravity made it easier to launch enormous freights of gold to Nibiru. All of this went on merrily for a very long time. Eventually the Annunaki became unhappy with the hard work and Prince EA came up with a solution. He has been experimenting with biological earthsuits. These would enable a fifth dimensional and higher dimensional being to be able to operate and mine in a physical third dimension. Terra was hardening faster and faster and the gold became too physically manifest in the third dimension to be mined by the Annunaki or Atlanteans - who started to assist their visitors. I think they wanted to help the Annunaki to get their gold and go back home because they could see the impact of Prince EA’s creations on Terra already.
The first earthsuits were very basic; Humiform 1.0 all looked the same, could not speak, was androgynous but worked very well for the task at hand operated by Atlanteans who voluntarily assisted in the project. They were just gold-diggers and the interface between the Atlantean and the earthsuit was very limited. As a true Genesis-scientist Lord Enki was fascinated with the interplay between a high dimensional being in a third dimensional suit. This resulted in many experiments, hybrids and versions of the earthsuit all in their perspective edins created for their needs – much like a very modern zoo, a research centre -something like a Jurassic Park.
The Annunaki wanted to work less and reallocate more tasks to the Humiforms so a higher developed suit was required – one who is able to learn and handle more complicated tasks. One who could communicate and make decisions. Lord Enki decided to impregnate one of the Humiforms, one of the earthsuits who have shown remarkable learning abilities. And so an immortal being’s essence mixed with a third dimensional creation and the result was an amazing new being made. Lord Enki called him Adap. This is why it is stated that Adap was created in the image of his Lord; they literally are. Except for one difference. Adap’s penis had a skin hanging over the glans. The Annunaki’s penis is without this foreskin. To mark and differentiate his offspring from the other Humiforms made he cut the foreskin from his son and commanded him to do the same to his offspring forever. He made a female too and let Adap procreate under strictly controlled circumstances only. I understand that they had no knowledge of procreating by themselves. Like children they saw their external organs as urinary and excretive functional organs only. Artificial insemination was the way he used to ensure only the best of the beings procreated.
Lord Enlil and the elite Annunaki were impressed by the Adap who could take over many tasks and even spoil them in their luxurious dwellings. The first Adap male and female were treasured by Lord Enki. They had their own private edin created just for them between the two rivers he made at the beginning of the establishment of the settlement on Terra in today’s Turkey, Syria and Iraq. Here they flourished, procreated under lord Enki’s strict control and were taught life-skills by their Lord during their walks together in the beautiful place.
The two brothers’ feud did not die down altogether. Lord Enlil Prince Llu got credited with the success on Terra and Lord Enki Prince EA was not happy with this. He decided to sabotage the Humiform-earthsuit mission in such a way that Lord Enlil’s new slave species become more self-aware and so sabotage the gold-digging mission in the long run. Lord Enki knew that his DNA is in the Humiform and as an immortal being this DNA must have an effect on a mortal being in the long run. With the assistance of a few friends from other Galaxean races he tweaked the DNA of the Humiform to be in two parts – a part active and already operating the being in the third dimension and parts dormant to be activated by the beings themselves through a process of self-actualization.  The dormant parts of the DNA would activate and be the complete interface between the highly conscious being inside the Humiform, the Atlantean, and the Humiform in multiple dimensions at once.
Terran Humiform could be described as having the intellect of today’s four year old children. Lord Enki knew he had to teach them in a very basic way that they understand what they are truly capable of. He taught them about a tree put upon them with fruits and branches and they have to eat these fruits and climb the tree until they have eaten all the fruits all the way to the top of the tree from where they will see that they can live forever, just like their makers. Since that day the Humiform knows that it is a potentially immortal being by its own work from within. With DNA from other Galaxean races mixed in they also feel part of the Galaxy and with the Gift of the Feather they know Passion – Passion unrivalled in the Galaxy, maybe the Universe.
Humiform 2.0 was set to become a higher version of itself through self-actualization. This however was a long-term project. Lord Enki needed something more immediate to disrupt Lord Enlil’s rule. So, Prince EA Lord Enki told his creation a secret. He went to some of the Adap sitting in their edin and instructed them that they can use their urinary organs for pleasure too and to procreate whenever they wanted. Their sexuality bloomed overnight into a pleasurable pastime giving them some relief from the hard work. This new information led them to sometimes choosing having sex over work. This upset the system and reports reached Lord Enlil.
Lord Enlil was furious beyond comprehension. They had license to make an earth-suit assisting a high-dimensional being to operate in 3D but now the project has exploded into really having a life of its own, a consciousness, a new-lifeform made on a planet by off-planet colonists. This is against Universal Law. No being may play god. But it was done. And so the Annunaki’s responsibility on Terra increased multifold. Not only did they create a new lifeform by mixing existing ingredients and Life but they also taught this lifeform that it is its god. The new lifeform had no consciousness of the true CREATOR of ALL, the CREATOR of creators, the KING of Kings. It only knew what it was shown. Seeing was believing.
The only way Lord Enlil saw to take control back of his domain was to publicly and completely be judge and jury towards his brother Lord Enki. He pronounced his brother as shunned and stripped of all duties to be known as Snake from then on. Lord Enki became an outcast on the same planet he found in ruin, made habitable and loved dearly.
Together with Lord Enki, Lord Enlil also cast all the Humiforms who committed to sexual acts out of their edins to go perish in the wild outside. Survival became first priority. He called them Adamus – those unloyal to Enlil. Prince EA became talked about as DA EA BA EL ( Diablo- the devil). The Adap who remained virgins and loyal to Lord Enlil became Adapus and stayed in their edins. Lord Enlil forced them to attend CHE-RU-CHE (Church) every seventh day where they can learn how to be a good Adap and obey their Lord Enlil. Adapt or die.
With Lord Enki’s assistance the Adamus who were chased out of the edins to fend for themselves flourished. Lord Enki stayed on Terra at his Southern African base.
With the return of the Nibirun warship AR on its 3600 year cycle Lord Enlil saw an opportunity to wipe the slate clean. He routed the ship to pass over Terra’s polar icecap with the foresight that the gravitational pull of the enormous AR will tear the icecap loose with catastrophic effects. He saw it as a way to wipe the experiment, that has gone too far, off the face of Earth.
Lord Enki promised he will not tell the Adamus about the imminent destruction. He could not let his creation be wiped off the planet completely though so he told Noah/Nuh how to build a submersible ship waterproofed with tar which will help a few Adamus survive. Lord Enki also gave them a case with TWO-OF each living beings on Terra in liquid form (a sperm and egg bank) for the sake of re-Genesis after the flood.
Lord Enlil saved some of the Adapus to re-populate the gold-diggers and slave species after the flood.


After the flood when Lord Enlil found out that some of the Adamus survived in a ship designed by Lord Enki he was again furious beyond comparison.
In the meantime a son of Lord Enki, Marduk, arrived on the Terran scene from Mars when the upgraded space stations in the Arabian Desert could freight the gold directly from Earth to Nibiru and he was not needed to command Mars anymore. By this time the Marians were also very jealous about all the fun being had on Terra and they settled on Terra in their masses taking Earthling wives and giving the new Earth-being the blond hair blue eye gene.
Marduk knew that his father Lord Enki Prince EA, if one follows his mother’s lineage, is actually as first-born the rightful successor to the Throne of Anu. Marduk decided to rule Terra in revenge to his uncle, Lord Enlil, who ruled Terra at the time because the lot fell his way.
Marduk asked a few rebels of the Galaxy to come and assist him on Terra. Slowly but surely they infiltrated all happenings on Terra and one day in one sweep Marduk and his helpers took Terra in a coupe; Lord Enlil and Enki had to flee and leave Terra to Marduk. And so the reign of Marduk, Amon-Ra, Osiris, Ptah the self-declared god-creator of EA-rth started.
Marduk declared himself as the one and only god and creator and with the help of his assistants, who are mind-control experts, he wiped clean everybody’s memories on Terra of anything before the flood and mind programmed everyone to accept Marduk as their one and only creator and god. All traces of the previous Lords of Terra were demolished and erased. And so it happened that Earthlings saw themselves as creations of the one god Ra. Yes, Marduk and his kind are immortal beings in the Galaxy, some of many. Immortality is the norm in the Galaxy. Mortality is the new concept. But being immortal does not make one a god. The Earthlings knew not. One only knows what one knows.
THE CREATOR of ALL, the ONE AND ONLY TRUE GOD of the Universes and beyond’s SPARK of LIFE within the Creation and thus within the creation is what drives all consciousness higher and higher back to the SOURCE OF ALL LIFE.
The rebels saw an opportunity. They are a patient kind. With Marduk the only one of his kind left on Terra they infiltrated exactly all the systems running everything. One day they just synchronised switching everything off at the same time. Marduk was defeated. Without energy or communications he could do nothing. Defeated he took his ship and left TERRA in a hurry. And so it happened that a rebel group took over Terra without one shot fired. They also erected an electronic grid or mesh around the planet keeping all communications to and fro from reaching anyone. The Earth project became engulfed in a hologram which can be manipulated and used to further their mind-control on the Earthlings. They have gone as far as making a holographic area receiving a Spirit/Soul after it left its Humiform. Then they guide the Spirit/Soul towards a tunnel with a light behind so due to the programming back on Terra the being thinks the tunnel is the way to Paradise. It then free-willingly enters the tunnel just to be recycled back into a Humiform in a never-ending cycle of re-incarnation. Except if the being is self-referral enough to accept no help beyond ‘death’ from any ‘guides’, ‘masters’, ‘holy figures’ or ‘saints’ and find the being’s own way through the holes in the grid/mesh to be suddenly free in the Galaxy to go where the being wants to go in its free will.
Many attempts came to try and overthrow this occupation of the rebels. Messengers came, their messages quickly distorted by the ‘teachers’.  Jesus was an attempt by the rebels to have a revival in religion on the planet because they felt the Humiforms/Earthlings became despondent.  Off-planet interruption taught Jesus in the 40 days in the desert the truth and then when he returned teaching a different message to the people, than all the mystery schools taught him on Earth, then they decided to kill him because he was suddenly out from under their power. He lived through their attempts to kill him and went underground after the crucifixion attempt. Soon his message was distorted completely and the rebels got what they wanted – an increase in religion fervour and a tool to divide the Earthlings by teaching different versions of the same religion all over the planet creating more separation. A last attempt was launched to save humanity. Mohammed, peace be upon him, was chosen to receive the RECITATION. The fast spread of this message of UNITY and PEACE and its unifying effect on the tribes made the rebels anxious. They applied their rule of ‘divide and conquer’ and so to this day the separation between Muslims, in direct contrast to true Islamic teachings, are playing right in the rebels’ favour.
All is not lost. In duality there are two points to view and from a fifth dimensional point of view here is an outcome for the Highest Good of All from both scenarios:
1.   Atlanteans were tricked into inhabiting Humiforms to be gold-diggers for the Kingdom of Anu. The rebels have a system going where they continuously recycle the Atlanteans into Humiforms keeping them trapped as Earthlings and their slaves.
2.   Humiforms, given life by Atlanteans have the innate ability, set there by their makers, to develop, learn and grow in Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding and through self-actualization awaken and merge 3D,4D, 5D and beyond and so consciously become the Crown of Creation. This is Humiform 2.0 who can only become Humiform 3.0 by activating itself from within through the Sovereign Integral as the Wingmakers explained. No exterior factor can make it happen although the rebels are trying to activate Humiform 2.0 to 3.0 with technology and keeping them enslaved. 

In conclusion:
After the flood all Earthlings were taught that the flood came because they rebelled against their god’s rules. Earthlings are taught that they ate from the fruit trees which God forbade them to eat from and therefore were chased out of paradise in shame.
They could eat from all the trees in the garden as seen below:

But not from the ones in a specific area of the garden:

This rule was to prevent them from eating the fruits of the “Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil” - which are the fruits of Knowledge, Understanding and Wisdom:

Which will enable them to stretch out their hand across the abyss and eat from the Tree of Life which will make them realise that they are immortal:

This the rebels did not want. So in the state of fear-consciousness all the survivors of the flood were still in, the rebels could instil the fear of the wrath of god in them if they eat from Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding – the fruits/trees in the forbidden part of the garden. People were kept away from Knowledge and if they gained some Knowledge they were deliberately engulfed with wrong understandings so the wisdom was tainted.
Many years have passed and Humiform 2.0 rose in consciousness tremendously. Signs of Humiform 3.0 manifesting through their Sovereign Integral are everywhere. Humans are waking up to their true nature – immortal beings part of the Family of Beings in this Universe operating with the best for the Whole in mind.
The influence from Terra herself on the creations of Lord Enki Prince EA on Terra has never been taken into consideration. Terra has adopted the Humiforms as her own and together with the Animal Kingdom, Plant Kingdom, Mineral Kingdom, and more, Passion is literally manifesting into Beauty before our eyes. Believing is indeed Seeing.

I dare to state:
Whether the Atlanteans were tricked into taking up Humiforms not knowing they will be trapped in a continuous Earth-cycle and whether we are currently enslaved by a rebel race or whether the Atlanteans voluntarily said they are as immortal beings interested to see if they can embody a third dimensional being and ascend it to a being of high consciousness and we are all in to see what happens – Truth is: We are becoming what we were born to be in any case - inevitably. We are awakening to our true state of being from within, by us, for us, by I AM for I AM WE ARE. We are creating the new thereby making the old obsolete. We are conscious that I AM WE ARE.
All over the planet in all cultures and religions we find the Tree Of Life. Now when I look at it from a place of LOVE the programming lifts from me.
I see we are allowed to eat from all these trees at the bottom of the garden: but not from those beyond the veil, the ‘mist’. So the trees of Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding are forbidden to us. Hey, if you tell a child to not do something, chances are the child will do it. As a child whenever I heard: Genesis 3:22 And the LORD God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever", I became very interested in finding that Trea of Life, eating those fruits and becoming immortal.
So the child eats from all the fruits in the garden, bravely walks through the mist and eats from the fruits of Knowledge, Understanding and Wisdom from the ‘forbidden’ trees and sees the abyss, realises it is only a hand stretch far and plucks and eat the fruit at the CROWN of the Tree of Life and sees Immortality.

Be ONE, Be in JOY.  Be I AM WE ARE.
Eldehon EhyahTau
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