I have an eye on the people stepping forward to creating the new and my facebook friend Bradley Morris reports below on the youth knowing that:
Believing is Seeing!
Over to Bradley:
Bradley Morris Facebook Coach Page
My mind and heart are completely blown open after this week's experience at the World Economic Forum in Geneva, Switzerland
with the Global Shapers Community. About 450 young leaders from 169
countries gathered together to focus on Shaping a better future for our
Planet. I am going to be writing a bunch of blogs about some of the
experiences I had in my time here, but will share right now that I have
so much Hope for humanity and our future on Earth.
Times may look bleak for us right now but that is only because we are in the middle of a bridge where we have left an old world and are walking towards a new one that does not yet exist. We can not see this new world and so it can feel scary, uncertain and hard to believe in.
This experience at the Annual Curators meeting for the #GlobalShapers has restored my faith in what is possible for this world when we come together for a higher purpose and a bigger cause with shared common values: PASSION, INTEGRITY, SERVICE, COOPERATION & COMMITMENT.
Though we have different religions, belief systems, cultural values, upbringings and challenges that we're faced with, we all have some more important things in common. We are human. We share this Earth. We are dedicated to Shaping and improving the state of our world.
This event felt like a planting of seeds. I can only imagine as we now all go back to our respective cities, countries and lives and continue with the work we're doing in our local Hubs, businesses, studies and life how time will unfold and how the reasons behind these special connections will become apparent.
Perhaps 20 years from now when one of us runs a country or large company and say there is a conflict between two countries or businesses; we will be able to pick up the phone and call each other to talk about the conflict. Because there is such a strong bond of Trust, we will be able to consciously and compassionately work through it to find a mutually beneficial resolve.
That is just one simple example of how this one moment in time is shaping the future of Planet Earth. Ultimately though, we don't know what will happen next. We don't know what will happen as more youth stand up, raise their voices, contribute passionately where their hearts and values align and create positive change within their local and Global communities. All we can do is show up moment to moment, day to day and do our best to give back to SOMETHING that matters to us.
The solutions are not a Government solution, a World Economic Forum solution or a Global Shapers solution. It is a WE solution. And it will take us all being open to seeing each other for who we really are rather than what we look like, what God we believe in or what language we speak.
We are One Village. We share One Earth. It is time for us to join together and coCreate the world we all wish to see and live within. There can no longer be finger pointing or blaming. The change starts with each of us taking responsibility for our own thoughts (positive & negative), our own actions (positive & negative) and our own values and aligning them with that vision for the world we want to be a part of so that all of our choices align with creating that.
I am thankful for Professor Schwab, one of the most inspiring people I've ever met. He is the hard working visionary leader behind the World Economic Forum and Global Shapers Community. Thank you Professor Schwab for your lifelong dedication to the betterment and Unification of the world. You have definitely raised my own personal bars of how I want to give back to the world.
So grateful to the family of Global Shapers around the world doing great work, growing amazing Hubs, activating incredible Projects and growing into their best selves. These are exciting times we're living in and it's comforting to know that we are not alone.
If reading this has inspired you and you want to get involved, find out who the Curator is for your local Global Shapers hub and get in touch with them. I am the founding Curator for the Victoria, British Columbia Hub, so if you're under 30 and want to get involved, go to www.GlobalShapers.org read through their whole website and then get in touch with me if it still feels like a whole-hearted yes.
Happy New Chapter Global Family!
Bradley T Morris
Times may look bleak for us right now but that is only because we are in the middle of a bridge where we have left an old world and are walking towards a new one that does not yet exist. We can not see this new world and so it can feel scary, uncertain and hard to believe in.
This experience at the Annual Curators meeting for the #GlobalShapers has restored my faith in what is possible for this world when we come together for a higher purpose and a bigger cause with shared common values: PASSION, INTEGRITY, SERVICE, COOPERATION & COMMITMENT.
Though we have different religions, belief systems, cultural values, upbringings and challenges that we're faced with, we all have some more important things in common. We are human. We share this Earth. We are dedicated to Shaping and improving the state of our world.
This event felt like a planting of seeds. I can only imagine as we now all go back to our respective cities, countries and lives and continue with the work we're doing in our local Hubs, businesses, studies and life how time will unfold and how the reasons behind these special connections will become apparent.
Perhaps 20 years from now when one of us runs a country or large company and say there is a conflict between two countries or businesses; we will be able to pick up the phone and call each other to talk about the conflict. Because there is such a strong bond of Trust, we will be able to consciously and compassionately work through it to find a mutually beneficial resolve.
That is just one simple example of how this one moment in time is shaping the future of Planet Earth. Ultimately though, we don't know what will happen next. We don't know what will happen as more youth stand up, raise their voices, contribute passionately where their hearts and values align and create positive change within their local and Global communities. All we can do is show up moment to moment, day to day and do our best to give back to SOMETHING that matters to us.
The solutions are not a Government solution, a World Economic Forum solution or a Global Shapers solution. It is a WE solution. And it will take us all being open to seeing each other for who we really are rather than what we look like, what God we believe in or what language we speak.
We are One Village. We share One Earth. It is time for us to join together and coCreate the world we all wish to see and live within. There can no longer be finger pointing or blaming. The change starts with each of us taking responsibility for our own thoughts (positive & negative), our own actions (positive & negative) and our own values and aligning them with that vision for the world we want to be a part of so that all of our choices align with creating that.
I am thankful for Professor Schwab, one of the most inspiring people I've ever met. He is the hard working visionary leader behind the World Economic Forum and Global Shapers Community. Thank you Professor Schwab for your lifelong dedication to the betterment and Unification of the world. You have definitely raised my own personal bars of how I want to give back to the world.
So grateful to the family of Global Shapers around the world doing great work, growing amazing Hubs, activating incredible Projects and growing into their best selves. These are exciting times we're living in and it's comforting to know that we are not alone.
If reading this has inspired you and you want to get involved, find out who the Curator is for your local Global Shapers hub and get in touch with them. I am the founding Curator for the Victoria, British Columbia Hub, so if you're under 30 and want to get involved, go to www.GlobalShapers.org read through their whole website and then get in touch with me if it still feels like a whole-hearted yes.
Happy New Chapter Global Family!
Bradley T Morris
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