Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Who is Jesus?


Before we get to a clear explanation of who Jesus is I have to do some forgiving and healing first. Join me.

We have to get to the current stuff, the "How do we actually BE CHRIST" stuff, the exciting stuff. For this I have to get over and through the perceived damage the "church", after the Apostles, did to the message of Jesus. For this I would like us all to join in the prayer below and for this specific purpose I am going to enter "the church after the Apostles" in the ____________ space. Join me in this and afterwards if you have some forgiving and relationship healing to do with any person over all time or any organisation or group or whatever then insert them or that in the ____________ space.

Here goes:

I envelop myself and you, _____________, now in Love, Divine Love.
I ask GOD who is in us and us who are in GOD,
I ask LOVE in us and us in LOVE,
to transmute all pain and grief from all time into Truth-Light;
to remove all pain and grief, illusions and lies from our hypothalami, our Hearts which are One with Divine HEART, our spleens, our DNA, transform all that to LOVE
for LOVE is all that is and we embrace NOW - Wholeheartedly BE-ing Love.
GOD's love for us is ever-present, Unconditional and everlasting.
We are within GOD and GOD is within us so why would GOD not love GOD.
There is nothing we could ever say, think, do or be that would ever separate us from GOD's Love
or nót say, think, do or be that would ever separate us from GOD's Love.
We are Light.
We are Life.
We are Love.
I Am We Are.
And So It Is.

Great! GOD is the Greatest!

So, back to our theme for this post: Who is Jesus?

At some point I must also accept you now know who Jesus is so that we can get on with BE-ing CHRIST, Christ Conscious, so we can live fully as Children of GOD who claimed their birthright as gods in the making.

Oh and by the way, I am not continually going to state Bible verses, Qur'an verses, A Course In Miracles verses to state on what authority I am saying things - I'm not going to constantly state: "I get this here or I get that there", no, all of this is a part of me, a part of my consciousness, so where do I get it? Who says this or that? I do. Who am I? I Am Wholeheartedly submitted to the Will of the One True GOD, CREATOR of All, seen and unseen, known and unknown, The SOURCE of All Life. To further serve on this volunteer mission, together with other beloveds of mine, I am not affiliated to one specific religion for GOD is bigger than all religions put together and I serve that GOD.

When I left the church at 18, I went searching for truth and eventually found Truth. Now :-) Truth can not be explained or written down - you have to find and experience it yourself. Truth is not from mind so therefore it cannot be described or understood by mind - only experienced by your being. Truth is infinite, mind is finite. Truth is never-changing, mind has to change and submit to Truth. The mind has to accept that it can never comprehend Truth. The mind is a tool that you, the Real you, use to operate your earthsuit. We are Spirit who takes up a man or a woman. We are not human taking up Spirit. So, how can I be of any assistance for myself and The People On The Way, the Way of Perfection? I can reveal to myself and others what Truth is not. Point to the lies and padam padam (step-by-step) we release more and more lies and programming and BE more and more Who We Really Are in Reality, in Truth.

OK, let's get to who Jesus is so we can get to how to follow his example and teachings on how to BE sons and daughters of GOD.

Jesus is the name of one who was a man BUT saw the face of CHRIST in all his brothers and sisters and remembered GOD.

So he became identified with CHRIST... a man no longer BUT at one with GOD.
When one identifies with being human then one is in consciousness a son of man/a daughter of man. When one rebirths oneself through Spirit by remembering that one is Spirit who took up an expression of humanness then one is a son of GOD/a daughter of GOD in Consciousness and Reality but one have always been a Child of GOD in Reality because GOD's LIFE/ CONSCIOUSNESS/ INTELLIGENCE/ SUBSTANCE is the same as yours. The flame and the fire is the same stuff. This is reverting to one's GOD-Created likeness.

Jesus, consciously BE-ing CHRIST, sees illusions and identify them as what they ARE. Jesus remains a savior because he saw the false without accepting it as true. CHRIST, the SUBSTANCE of GOD, needed his form that HE might appear to humanity and save them from their own illusions.

In his complete identification with CHRIST Jesus became what all of us must BE:
The Perfect Daughter/Son/Child of GOD; GOD's One Creation; GOD's Happiness; Forever like GOD-Self; One with GOD.

Jesus leads us back to GOD because he saw the road before him, and he followed it.

He made a clear distinction between the false and the true.

He offered us a clear demonstration that it is impossible to kill GOD's Son/Daughter/Child.

He embraced and manifested the three-step-program:
Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action - BE-ing the Will of GOD. What is the Will of GOD? The Will of GOD is always LOVE. We are Expressions of the Eternal Presence.
(See A Course In Miracles for more.)
Let's keep it short and sweet and from now on we can look further at BE-ing CHRIST ourselves. That is what Jesus wants. He left this dimension so that we can BE.

Will he come again? In two ways yes. CHRIST is here already as we manifest our own CHRIST-CONSCIOUSNESS. But will Jesus come again? You know what? I really think so for the Angels said so when the Apostles were staring into thin air as Jesus said goodbye. But we do not have to concern ourselves with that. We have enough to do as it is.

Make straight the Way for CHRIST - do the self-work; eat from the Tree of LIFE; discard the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil; do the energy/LOVE work; fully activate the energy centres within so that we can completely open our crowns to drink from our CHRIST energy centre, our own CHRIST Water of LIFE Fountain - just above our heads, the GOLDEN Light - ready and waiting there to be grasped and drank so we never thirst again and live forever.

That is the good news.

Love in All Ways
Dehon TAU

PS: Please ask if something is unclear. I have a responsibility to be understood before continuing. The Master always only continued after all the Apostles got the teaching of the particular day. Write to

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