Friday, 18 December 2015

A 21 Days Transformation from 7 January.

The time is NOW to BE. We have come a long way, remembered a lot, discarded a lot, embraced a lot and realised that the best way to change the world is to change ourselves. If you have been following the posts in the Facebook Group and on the Page of The People On The Way then you have concluded, with me, that we can step it up now and Transform like a caterpillar into a butterfly - going through chrysalis.

noun: chrysalis; plural noun: chrysalises; noun: chrysalid; plural noun: chrysalids
  1. a quiescent insect pupa, especially of a butterfly or moth.
    • the hard outer case of this, especially after being discarded.
    • a preparatory or transitional state.

      "she emerged from the chrysalis of self-conscious adolescence"
early 17th century: from Latin chrysal(l)is, chrysal(l)id-, from Greek khrusallis, from khrusos ‘gold’ (because of the gold color or metallic sheen of the pupae of some species).

A 21 Days Transformation ~ Join Facebook Event HERE.
  • ~ Understanding my Energy Centres  ~ Living in my united seven worlds ~ Scroll down to read how Andrew, Apostle of Jesus, describes the seven worlds we live in, the 7 we are now uniting into 1.
  • ~ Christlight Healing Modality.
  • ~ Developing Breath Exercises.
  • ~ Christ Consciousness; Buddha/ Unity/ I Am Consciousness.
  • From now until 6 January 2016:
    ~ Preparatory reading ~ click pdf download links:
  • 7 to 28 January:
    ~ Getting to know my energy centres one by one ~ three days per centre;
    ~ Christlight Power ~ two days per Energy;
    ~ Developing Breath Exercises ~ daily.
  • 29 to 30 January:~ Assimilation and rest.
I shall post the daily lessons and clear instructions on the breathing exercises here as a blog post - here in Dehon Writes. You can use the FOLLOW BY EMAIL function available at the top right on the blog page to ensure you receive your lesson automatically. I shall also post the links to the daily lessons in the Facebook Event A 21 Days TRANSFORMATION

This Course is written for the express purpose of leading you along the path of the Masters; freeing you from limitation and imitation in the world of forms, creeds, dogmas, ideas, theories, concepts, etc., that limit and confuse the mind, thereby distorting the Truth. You cannot discern or understand unless the mind is free and unlimited, for it is the Natural Intelligence that opens the way to the understanding of life. You cannot perceive the Truth because it is beyond your perception; what you perceive is only in your imagination, an idea, a sensation, an image; whereas Truth is none of these. But through the super-technique, as explained in this Course, there comes a supreme understanding. Then there is no more rushing here and there; there is no anxiety in case you cannot find the way; there is no more strife, striving to be something that you imagine you should be to ensure eternal life and all that goes with it; no more trying to force your mind to comprehend something that it cannot comprehend because it is beyond mind. You cannot search out something that is ever present: that is like trying to find yourself beside yourself; it is like running after your own shadow. The Inner Teachings of the Master Christ will be revealed: “I am the Way, the Truth and the Light.”
 A 21 Days Transformation ~ Join Facebook Event HERE.

The Power of the Truth can only be established when we free our minds from all concepts and, preconceived ideas. The Truth will then set us free, and, although we live in the world of phenomena and shadows, we are not bound by it. “I am not of this world,” the Master said.
Ideas conceived in the Divine Mind come forth into expression in Form, and Form may be transformed through a change of consciousness in regard to it. This is the Law revealed by the Master.
The “I am” is the door through which the Consciousness, Intelligence and Substance of the Great “I AM,” which is God, comes forth into expression in Form through the individual. This “I AM” Being is Consciousness, Intelligence and Substance, and is given form through Consciousness. Consciousness is the Father, Intelligence is the Mother, and the Substance is the vehicle of expression, and the Divine expression is the Child.
Consciousness is the Will which makes the mould and the Life Intelligence and Substance fill the mould.
Consciousness directs, Intelligence fulfills the direction in the Substance, and Form comes forth; the Divine Perfect Image is expressed without effort. The Master said: “According to your faith so be it unto you.” This faith is in the Consciousness, in the Perfect Divine Image; fully comprehend this and you will know the Christ Power. All things are possible to them that believe.
You must grasp this fundamental principle, then these lessons will give you the understanding and use of the Christ Power, or the Power of the Masters. ~ Murdo Macdonald Bayne

A 21 Days Transformation ~ Join Facebook Event HERE.


~ Described by the Apostle of Jesus, Andrew, from his Native American time.

An excerpt from THE GIFT OF ANDREW by G.E. Hansen

Suddenly Nahanee stopped and looked up at him in confusion and dismay. “My dearest, there can’t be seven worlds. There is only one, this one.” And she stamped her foot for emphasis on the ground beneath her foot.
He pulled her down to rest in his arms against a fallen log. “A clever brave in the east far over the water once said, ‘As above, so below’.”
She jerked from his arms to sit erect and stare at him. “That was credited to Hermes! What do you know of Greek heroes?”
“I met him in a book.” He pulled her back beside him. “And since he was a clever brave, as I have said, I will adopt his system of analogy. I will speak of seven colors. Have you heard of the earth spitting fire and melted rock?”
“If you mean a volcano erupting lava, yes, but what has that to do with colors? Oh,” she answered her own question, “you, too, are a clever brave. Lava flows red.”
“Clever yourself,” he smiled. “Red is the first color. The second is orange, the color of sand.”
“Perhaps on your beaches. It is dun colored in England.”
He ignored the disclaimer. “We now have red and orange. The next color is yellow, the color of fish in a pond.” Susan raised skeptical eyes to his face but remained silent so he went on. “The next color is green, the color of plants and algae.”
This time Susan broke into speech. “Yush, I hate scum. There always was some in our pond no matter what the gardener did about it. Father called it algae and for your information I do not like that sickly green color.”
“Think of a water lily, then” he advised, “that is a true green. Now we come to water which is blue reflecting the color of the sky, then violet as in a fog.”
“I never have seen a violet fog,” Susan objected, twisting the fringe of his buckskin belt. “I had thought fogs were uniformly grayish.”
“Not this fog. It is violet. I will show you sometime when the sky is right. At dawning, when clouds abound in the right amount with the right amount of fog, the sun shines through them, tinging the sky violet pink. Trust me, you shall see for yourself. Next we come to white, this is the color of the wind.”
“Pooh,” said his loving wife, “everyone knows the wind is colorless.”
“Not everyone is so persuaded. So we come to the last color, gold. This is the golden effulgence of the sun that warms the earth.”
Susan glanced overhead where the sunlight danced through the shifting leaves. “It is hard to describe the color of the sun but I will accept a golden hue and perhaps a violet fog, I shall have to see that to believe it, but the wind, fish and sand, those colors are iffy in my mind.”
He laughed. “Purist. Probably my analogy stretches an inflexible mind.”
Susan’s answer was an indignant glare.
He laughed again and went on. “We have established seven colors from seven donors, red-rock, orange-sand, yellow-fish, green-plant, blue-water, violet-fog, white-wind, gold-sun. Consider then, these represent seven layers of expression through which the Great Spirit, represented by the gold from the sun, penetrates. In my analogy, the heat from the sun creates the wind that creates the fog that ripples the water that feeds the plants in the pond that abounds with fish that eat the algae while their movements stir the water to lap the shore of sand that came from weathered rock. Do you see the pattern?”
“No,” said Susan firmly.
“The pattern is density. The sunlight passes freely through the air, a little less light penetrates the fog, still less does it penetrate the water. There the plants draw it in for sustenance, while the fish eat the plants for the same reason. At the water’s edge, the sand allows sunlight to penetrate just below the surface and the rock acquires a surface contact. Yet each receives of the fire of the Great Spirit and more, the rock reflects back the light and has the power to transfer heat.”
“Are you saying we are rock with the ability to reflect God’s goodness and create goodness on our own?”
He hugged her in delight. Susan wriggled free to regard him seriously. “But what has that to do with seven worlds? Where are they? How do we know them if our world is physical rock?”
“We know them through contemplation. Directed by the will, the mind can carry awareness to all realms available to humanity. These realms, or worlds, are mineral, plant, animal, emotional, mental, soul, and spiritual. Density, not the emanations of the Great Spirit, is what differentiates between these worlds. The first three are the densest for here the three dimensions rule, length, breadth and depth. The fourth, the departure point for either the land of humans or the land of Divinity, is less dense and each succeeding dimension is finer than the previous one until at last, in the seventh, form becomes energy. You follow me?”
“Of course I do not, never having heard this mythology before.”
“It is not mythology. It is a fact,” he contradicted.
“If you say so but to me it is greatly frightening.”
“Why should truth frighten you? Does the changing of the seasons frighten you? They are no less a fact than the seven worlds.”

Email me, Dehon TAU, if you have any questions regarding the preparation or the content of the course.

 A 21 Days Transformation ~ Join Facebook Event HERE.

Love in All Ways
Dehon TAU

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Who is Jesus?


Before we get to a clear explanation of who Jesus is I have to do some forgiving and healing first. Join me.

We have to get to the current stuff, the "How do we actually BE CHRIST" stuff, the exciting stuff. For this I have to get over and through the perceived damage the "church", after the Apostles, did to the message of Jesus. For this I would like us all to join in the prayer below and for this specific purpose I am going to enter "the church after the Apostles" in the ____________ space. Join me in this and afterwards if you have some forgiving and relationship healing to do with any person over all time or any organisation or group or whatever then insert them or that in the ____________ space.

Here goes:

I envelop myself and you, _____________, now in Love, Divine Love.
I ask GOD who is in us and us who are in GOD,
I ask LOVE in us and us in LOVE,
to transmute all pain and grief from all time into Truth-Light;
to remove all pain and grief, illusions and lies from our hypothalami, our Hearts which are One with Divine HEART, our spleens, our DNA, transform all that to LOVE
for LOVE is all that is and we embrace NOW - Wholeheartedly BE-ing Love.
GOD's love for us is ever-present, Unconditional and everlasting.
We are within GOD and GOD is within us so why would GOD not love GOD.
There is nothing we could ever say, think, do or be that would ever separate us from GOD's Love
or nót say, think, do or be that would ever separate us from GOD's Love.
We are Light.
We are Life.
We are Love.
I Am We Are.
And So It Is.

Great! GOD is the Greatest!

So, back to our theme for this post: Who is Jesus?

At some point I must also accept you now know who Jesus is so that we can get on with BE-ing CHRIST, Christ Conscious, so we can live fully as Children of GOD who claimed their birthright as gods in the making.

Oh and by the way, I am not continually going to state Bible verses, Qur'an verses, A Course In Miracles verses to state on what authority I am saying things - I'm not going to constantly state: "I get this here or I get that there", no, all of this is a part of me, a part of my consciousness, so where do I get it? Who says this or that? I do. Who am I? I Am Wholeheartedly submitted to the Will of the One True GOD, CREATOR of All, seen and unseen, known and unknown, The SOURCE of All Life. To further serve on this volunteer mission, together with other beloveds of mine, I am not affiliated to one specific religion for GOD is bigger than all religions put together and I serve that GOD.

When I left the church at 18, I went searching for truth and eventually found Truth. Now :-) Truth can not be explained or written down - you have to find and experience it yourself. Truth is not from mind so therefore it cannot be described or understood by mind - only experienced by your being. Truth is infinite, mind is finite. Truth is never-changing, mind has to change and submit to Truth. The mind has to accept that it can never comprehend Truth. The mind is a tool that you, the Real you, use to operate your earthsuit. We are Spirit who takes up a man or a woman. We are not human taking up Spirit. So, how can I be of any assistance for myself and The People On The Way, the Way of Perfection? I can reveal to myself and others what Truth is not. Point to the lies and padam padam (step-by-step) we release more and more lies and programming and BE more and more Who We Really Are in Reality, in Truth.

OK, let's get to who Jesus is so we can get to how to follow his example and teachings on how to BE sons and daughters of GOD.

Jesus is the name of one who was a man BUT saw the face of CHRIST in all his brothers and sisters and remembered GOD.

So he became identified with CHRIST... a man no longer BUT at one with GOD.
When one identifies with being human then one is in consciousness a son of man/a daughter of man. When one rebirths oneself through Spirit by remembering that one is Spirit who took up an expression of humanness then one is a son of GOD/a daughter of GOD in Consciousness and Reality but one have always been a Child of GOD in Reality because GOD's LIFE/ CONSCIOUSNESS/ INTELLIGENCE/ SUBSTANCE is the same as yours. The flame and the fire is the same stuff. This is reverting to one's GOD-Created likeness.

Jesus, consciously BE-ing CHRIST, sees illusions and identify them as what they ARE. Jesus remains a savior because he saw the false without accepting it as true. CHRIST, the SUBSTANCE of GOD, needed his form that HE might appear to humanity and save them from their own illusions.

In his complete identification with CHRIST Jesus became what all of us must BE:
The Perfect Daughter/Son/Child of GOD; GOD's One Creation; GOD's Happiness; Forever like GOD-Self; One with GOD.

Jesus leads us back to GOD because he saw the road before him, and he followed it.

He made a clear distinction between the false and the true.

He offered us a clear demonstration that it is impossible to kill GOD's Son/Daughter/Child.

He embraced and manifested the three-step-program:
Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action - BE-ing the Will of GOD. What is the Will of GOD? The Will of GOD is always LOVE. We are Expressions of the Eternal Presence.
(See A Course In Miracles for more.)
Let's keep it short and sweet and from now on we can look further at BE-ing CHRIST ourselves. That is what Jesus wants. He left this dimension so that we can BE.

Will he come again? In two ways yes. CHRIST is here already as we manifest our own CHRIST-CONSCIOUSNESS. But will Jesus come again? You know what? I really think so for the Angels said so when the Apostles were staring into thin air as Jesus said goodbye. But we do not have to concern ourselves with that. We have enough to do as it is.

Make straight the Way for CHRIST - do the self-work; eat from the Tree of LIFE; discard the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil; do the energy/LOVE work; fully activate the energy centres within so that we can completely open our crowns to drink from our CHRIST energy centre, our own CHRIST Water of LIFE Fountain - just above our heads, the GOLDEN Light - ready and waiting there to be grasped and drank so we never thirst again and live forever.

That is the good news.

Love in All Ways
Dehon TAU

PS: Please ask if something is unclear. I have a responsibility to be understood before continuing. The Master always only continued after all the Apostles got the teaching of the particular day. Write to

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Jesus Unedited.

Author G.E. Hansen who lovingly brings us The Gift Of series of books.


It is with great JOY that I have been reading a series of books that put the true teachings of Jesus up where they belong - The Gifts of the Apostles. The Bible does have the Sermon on the Mount and that does basically contain a lot of it, but not all of it. Sharilyn Stalling was the instrument of GOD answering a prayer of mine, "GOD, show me". She introduced the books into my life at the most opportune time.

Sharilyn has a life mission:

To alleviate suffering for humanity, one person, one family, one group at a time, and to help each individual remember there is nothing anyone can do, say, think or be that would ever separate him or her from the unconditional love of Divinity/God.
Sharilyn Stalling
See her website HERE

At the age of 18 after being officially accepted into the Dutch Reformed Church I left the church the same day. The vow my parents made at the day of my baptism was fulfilled. I could go and search for truth elsewhere for I always felt the church limited GOD-Knowledge and the teachings of Jesus.

I found that the teachings of Jesus, the same knowledge the Apostles took into the world, were butchered by the ones who took over the reigns after they killed all the Apostles. The Expression of Christ built on the Rock Petra, Cephas, Simon Peter, was replaced by the "church" with the intent to let humanity not reach their full potential. The People of The Way were murdered and the new followers of the new religion that was concocted were called Christians. The information in the Bible was edited. The message from Jesus that we are all equal Children of GOD already, that we are gods in the making, that the Kingdom of Heaven is within first then manifest without, that we have to develop our chakras through right thought, right speech and right action, that we have to meditate with the Developing Breath to open our 1000 lotus crown chakra and pull in the golden light from our Christ chakra just above the head and so attain full Christ Consciousness - all of the information that will let a Child of GOD BE a Child of GOD was removed. The knowledge of the Apostles being chosen way before that incarnation from the 12 Astrological sectors of the Universe was suppressed. Anybody who kept to the abolished information was simply killed as witches and heretics. And thus the lie was formed and set into place through fear of burning at the stake for speaking against the "church".

The "church" said Jesus is the only son of GOD and they successfully made him an idol to be worshiped and so Jesus' whole message that we do not need any intermediary between us and GOD was destroyed. The happening of the curtain in the temple, hindering the common people to enter the Holiest of Holies, which tore open from the top to the bottom, at the time Jesus consciously left his body on the cross, was in vain. His words that 'nobody goes to the Father except through me' was misinterpreted to one will only go to heaven if you worship Jesus. With the knowledge of the Christ chakra removed, the chakra which gives one full Christ Consciousness which leads to GOD-Consciousness - The Way John the Baptist said we must make straight for Christ - people's consciousness could successfully be suppressed to stay in ego-consciousness.

The fact that all of us can attain Christ Consciousness, and how to, was swept under the carpet. But truth prevails.

So, on my quest to find the truth, after I left the church, I discovered many things but I always felt a bit hindered to live it completely because I always had the nagging question: "But does GOD and Jesus, whom I love so much, approve of this knowledge?"

A few friends and I embraced the knowledge in any case. Nobody stoned us or burnt us at the stake but the emotional abuse we have endured was not nice. To be called a heretic when in my heart I knew we were busy with truth was painful. To be judged and rejected by the same people one yearns to free is never nice. Worst is to be laughed at and labelled as crazy. But Master Jesus told us we would receive what he received. He warned us.

It is with great pleasure that I am reading The Gifts of the Apostles series of books lovingly recorded from the Akashic Records by G.E. Hansen. For the first time I can really speak the true message of Jesus, the true message of Christ Consciousness, with authority because now I know that everything I discovered after leaving the church is actually exactly what he taught the Apostles originally. Now I truly do not care what other people think of me or what I say anymore. I know who I am and I have a job to do. The time of being my own biggest hindrance to my job has passed.

See at the end of this blog post for links to where you may find some of the books yourself. In time all 12 of the books will be available, GOD-Willing.

Below, with the permission from G.E. Hansen, I post an excerpt from The Gift of Matthew because I love to share the real Jesus with you. And below that an introduction to G.E. Hansen.

The time for speaking in parables and symbols has gone. The time to speak clearly, with the responsibility added that the listener must understand before the speaker may be released to move on, is upon us.

Love in All Ways
Dehon Tau



The Master had a phrase for it, ‘to hunger and thirst after righteousness’ sake. That described me exactly and I didn’t know how hungry and how thirsty I had been until He gave me to eat and to drink. I’m not speaking of physical food, you understand, nor do I speak just of His teachings that were unbelievably exhilarating. I speak of the Power emanating from Him. He was a man as other men in the sense of physique but oh, He was so much more! Merely to be in His presence was enough to flood me with euphoria. Away from Him a hundred questions troubled me, at His side they no longer mattered. It was enough I bask in His Aura.

          Oh yes, He spoke of such things, though He called the aura by another name.  He called it man’s field of presence, and He spoke of other powers, too, and currents of powers that moved in, for, and by nature, prevalent on land, sea and in the air. He said outrageous things in the calmest voice and we accepted them because something deep inside us recognized they were the truth. I never once doubted anything He said although being led to behold the world superhumanly was often confusing. I clearly recall how befuddled I was at my first session.            “Think ye that when ye walk thy feet are moved by conscious will?” He was saying when I joined the group. “No, ye move not by will alone. Ye are infused by the Power of the Father’s Love.”

          “Love has power to move objects?” James Zebedee asked, his black brows bunched together in thought. .

            “Our Father’s expression of love has this power. When thee grow in love, ye shall do likewise,” Jesus answered.

          “I don’t understand,” Simon objected. He and I both, I thought.

            “Our Father is a Father of love and upon His love is creation built. All that Is, is fed by His Love. Some there are who say, ‘this is dead’ or ‘that is alive’. I say to thee, nothing is dead. For anything to exist it is alive. What lives, lives on the strength flowing from the Father’s love.”

          “Could you be more explicit?” John asked. “Death is commonplace.”

          “Transition is constant,” Jesus replied tranquilly. “What men call death does not exist.

Yet, it is to save God’s little children from the great death that I am come.”

          “Great death?” Andrew puckered his brow in perplexity. “Are there differing deaths?”

            “Let’s not go into that yet,” John said. “I want to hear if old age and the grave are to be eliminated.”

            “What of rocks and stones?” Philip asked, following another train of thought. “They do not live as trees or men do.”

          “Who says they don’t?” Jesus questioned with a smile.

            “Why, everybody. It’s general knowledge. Anyone can see for himself there’s no life in a rock.”

          “Bring me a rock.”

Andrew and John exchanged glances. John shrugged and left, presumably to find a rock.

            “Ye have had the Old Testament of Faith. Now I bring ye the New Testament of Knowledge,” Jesus went on. “Man gains comprehension through experience.”

            “We’ve seen you heal, make the lame walk, raise the sick. Are you saying you can bring a rock to life?” Andrew asked incredulity lifting his voice up the scale.

            Apparently our density was beginning to undermine Jesus’ phenomenal patience. “No,” he said shortly. “I say the rock already lives and I shall enable thee to see that life for thineselves. Who among thee does not see the unseen world?”

            “That’s true,” Simon agreed. “My growers couldn’t see the olive sprites who labor on our behalf.”

            I think my jaw fell down somewhere around my ankles. Simon, the money-lover, said that? It was reputed an annas, to escape his clutch, must fall on its knees and pray. What could a man like that know of the soul? I felt the eyes of the Magus upon me.

            “I have not chosen randomly,” He rebuked me. I felt myself redden. It was doubly painful. He had divined my unloving thoughts and who was I to criticize? I bore the same reputation myself.

            Andrew Simon, the huge brother of Simon Simon, was clearly as startled as I was. “Sprites? What sprites? You never told me of them.”

            To my astonishment, Simon looked sheepish. “It slipped out. I hadn’t meant to mention them.”

            “Why guard this company from truth? There are forms of life far removed from humanity. Speak of the Little People,” Jesus said.

            Simon made a deprecating gesture. “I don’t know much about them. As to their relationship to humanity, I know nothing. Some of them do resemble little people so that is what I call them. The Tree Sprites resemble a tree.”

          “Come off it, Si!” his brother exclaimed.  “Tell us what happened, maybe then we can follow you.”

          Simon squirmed uncomfortably under the concentrated gaze of six pairs of eyes. I would have squirmed, too, had I drawn the attention of the Magus to the same degree. That thought immediately was chased by another. “I’m empathizing with my former enemy!”

            Simon cleared his throat and grunted, ”It was in the beginning of my stewardship of Father’s property. I had a helpless mother and a baby brother for whom I must provide protection.” He looked at me, “You know how that goes.”

          “Yes, I know,” I said, the feeling of sympatico stronger than ever.

 Unless we had good harvests, I stood to lose everything.” Si went on, “The crops of the two previous years had been wiped out, which had contributed to the precarious financial situation I inherited. Thus to me it was imperative the trees yield olives. I worked as hard as a man could work, but I couldn’t affect the weather, the soil or the health of the trees. I also prayed a great deal. Then one day when I was taking a breather, I had been helping the men cultivate...”

          “That’s back breaking,” Philip interjected.

          “As bad as shoveling fish,” Andrew grinned.

“Shut up, you two,” James growled. “I think we’re near the issue. Go on, Si. Where were you?”

            “Right here in Capernum. Exhausted and worried, I’d lain down under a tree and was almost asleep,” he paused as if searching his mind for words to explain his meaning.

“Well, what happened?” Andrew urged.

            “The problem is, little brother, I can’t explain what happened. Suddenly I saw more than I had ever seen before. The whole grove teemed with astonishing beings, every one of them working their hearts out.”

            “What did they resemble?” Philip asked, leaning forward as if his straining could draw forth the answer more quickly.

            “The ones I noticed first, resembled people. Some had wings and were no larger than my little finger. Others had no wings. They were bigger.”

          “Were these the sprites you spoke of?” James asked.

          “Oh, no.”

          “Then you had further experiences such as this?” Philip suggested eagerly.

          “Yes. The next time it happened I saw Pan.”

          “Our Greek Pan?” Philip cried incredulously.

          “He’s about as Greek as I am,” Simon snapped. “But I’ll give you this, the ancient Greeks had better eyes than Judeans have.  When I roused from being relaxed, I could no longer see them.”

          “Let’s get back to when you did see them. What happened?” James urged.

            “Well, not much. Pan just told me what to do to get a bumper crop. It was much the same advice as the tree had given me.”

            “The tree talked, too? And ‘not much’ happened?” Andrew roared breaking into laughter. “Oh my sides and saddles, I don’t wonder you’ve kept this to yourself. Had you been indulging a little lavishly with the wineskin?”

            Jesus answered for Simon, “No, he had not. In the womb of the world man exists awash in a sea of energies to which he is adapted most wondrously. According to his understanding man’s senses screen from his awareness information his mind cannot accept. What a man’s sight reveals to him in this life is a small fraction of what he shall see in later ages. Likewise it is the same with the other senses. If each existent energy were to press upon the unready minds of this present generation, those minds would burn out. Ye whom I gather to me are not spiritual children of such tender years. To ye the senses bring information more widely.”

            “Here’s the stone,” John announced reappearing on the rooftop. “I had to go halfway to Jericho to find one.”

            Jesus accepted it with thanks and handed it to Simon. “Feel, observe and pass it on.” Obediently Simon handled it, even smelt it, and gave it to James. One by one the others examined that stone until at last it came to me. As far as I could see, it was an ordinary stone, an irregular lump of rock, inanimate, a non-living thing.

          “Wrong,” Jesus smiled at me. “Everything to exist must live.”

            I sucked in my breath. This magus who divined the thoughts in another’s head was decidedly disconcerting.

            A few minutes later I was considerably more disconcerted. Jesus told us to relax from head to toe, repeating this instruction several times. Under the influence of His voice I felt myself relaxing as I had never done before. My bones seemed to melt into a mound of mush. He suggested consciousness should become a pinpoint of light and I ceased to be aware I had bones at all. He suggested we examine the structure of life in the stone and the magic began. Before me I saw the floating stone, which enlarged as it came towards me, or I shrank.  I entered the stone and still it grew. It grew until it was mostly space with small spheres hurtling about me, shining like stars. Next, I became aware not of substance but of energy. Streams of colored lights flowed past and through me in intricate patterns. I seemed to be composed of light and the light was joy.

            “Come forth from the life of the stone,” Jesus directed. At the sound of His voice the stars disappeared. “Did ye find thy inanimate body?”

          “No, I didn’t,” I said before anyone else spoke. “What I found were many small stones in great agitation bathed in streams of light.”

            “Ye found the sands of existence driven by the life of existence,” He corrected. “The life is the Father’s love and with love He gives life to all that is. Nothing manifests into physical form without love.”

            “Are you telling us our bodies are composed of small spheres like the stone?” Philip asked.


          “But we’re solid,” John objected.

          “As stone,” Andrew chuckled.

            “Much in appearance is illusion,” Jesus said. “Senses screen from the spiritual young many truths. Yet who among ye is spiritually young?”

          “If I understand you correctly, our senses are expandable?” James enquired.

            “Ye know they are,” Jesus replied. “Among ye are they already expanded, awaiting only the use of will to perform.”

            “This is then a natural function?” Philip continued, perplexed. “Man is made to look both ways, within and without?”


            “Then why are so few looking within? Apart from the few of us here on this rooftop, whom I presume share this peculiar capacity, I have never found anyone else with it.” I looked at the rest. “Have any of you?”

            “Be patient, Matthew,” Jesus said. “In the long reach of evolution man’s progress is slow. From the animal and animal instinct does he progress through pain to angelic instinct. In the process his senses bring him into wider rapport with the two realms, the kingdom of men on earth and the Heavenly Kingdom of the Angels. Today on earth the mass of men linger under earthly influence.”

            Mary of Dana, Si’s comely housekeeper whom I’ve mentioned before, appeared at that point to announce supper which broke the train of conversation. Over supper it became general and I don’t recall Jesus ever touching on that precise topic again.

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G.E. Hansen explains the process in her own words:

Originally posted on The Gift Of Website HERE where you can find much more about the books and the ones in process.

When I was eighteen I knew I had a calling to help humanity but I resisted it with all my will for I had a fear of ostracism by orthodox Christians.
I graduated from the University of Alberta with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree majoring in English (writing). I married, had a family, and much of the next forty years passed full of agony. Then I had a near death experience. I had not told my family that I had been seeing WRITE in white foot high letters every night before I fell asleep. The month before my three heart attacks I saw WRITE NOW but still I played for time. Well, let me tell you standing in outer space looking back at the earth which was the size of a baseball and talking to two Persian priests about my future made me decide to return to my calling.
What was that calling? To write the stories of the twelve disciples of Jesus from their point of view and to include two other stories of their choosing from the many lifetimes they have contributed help to humanity.
The Gift of Judas was the first book I was given to record.
It was a great sorrow and pure joy for me to write the soul journey of Judas for he suffered greatly as both Xerxes and Judas from grief and the consequent loneliness yet he also knew the greatest joy imaginable in the presence of the Master of Masters, Jesus the Christ.
And how did I write these books?
They came from the Akashic Record – that tenuous element in which every thought, every word, every deed of every soul that has ever lived is recorded for all eternity. Unlike the public library, the Akasha is not readily available to everyone. To touch it, clairvoyance is absolutely necessary.
Here is how my clairvoyance operated. First, I would see what can be called stationary visions; that is an image of something would appear like a picture of an ancient town or a person in a foreign costume or some symbol that represented the person of whom I was to write. These first clues inspired me as to whom I was being asked to write about. Then I would receive the visions of the third eye where symbology must be interpreted by either knowledge of the symbol or intuitively knowing what the symbol represented. Third, I would be one with the past through the Akashic records.
This means I was in a ‘living movie’ of a past event with all the smells, sounds, emotions and experiences of each person in the past event. In the Akashic consciousness you have 360 degree awareness unlike our usual physical perception. When I experienced the Akashic record, I simply recorded what the people in the scene were experiencing for I was one with each and every person.
Thus, you can imagine how I tried to avoid suffering scenes for the pain was so real. I struggled through it for the joy of putting on paper the lives of the twelve apostles and some of the people they had been, like Abraham Lincoln, which was reward in itself.
There are those who may say after reading this work that it is no more than a piece of fiction. The writer does not offer argument. Everyone must digest his own truth.
Although truth itself remains constant, man’s individualized comprehension of it varies. What is truth to one is not truth to another. It is unnecessary therefore for me to enlarge further upon the nature of the books. Indeed it is the reader’s right to arrive at his own conclusion – yet, my wish is that the essence of my writing brings something of eternal joy into each person’s life.
~ G.E. Hansen